New technology allows same-day processing at an affordable cost
$395 for avg 6 month supply
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Autologous Blood Serum Eye Drops provide a superior choice for severe dry eye treatment compared to over-the-counter and prescription eye drops. The PALA™ 12 Kit is an affordable processing kit that allows clinicians to process blood serum in a closed system sterile environment performed at Secure Health Partners.
With our new.2 HIPPA filter sterile processing, patients receive their drops the same day. Ask for home delivery for an additional $25.00
The PALA™ 12 Kit features a closed system bag and integral .2-micron syringe filter with a proprietary holding tray and twelve 5mL eye drop bottles. The PALA™ 12 Kit provides a total of 60ml of serum eye drops. The PALA 12 Kit enables clinicians to transfer solutions through the sterilizing grade filter into the sterile bag and the eye drop bottles. Use of PALA 12 is simple and easy to use, requiring far fewer user steps compared to preparation under a laminar flow hood.
The proprietary tray helps secure each eye drop bottle in an upright position to assist in avoiding spillage. All filling and capping of each eye drop bottle is completed from the exterior of the bag thereby maintaining product sterility throughout each procedure.
The kit is designed to enable clinicians to process and provide autologous blood serum eye drops in a normal saline (0.9% NaCl) solution of various prescribed concentrations on-site. The .2-micron syringe filter produces sterile eye drops in in our lab outside of a laminar flow hood.
Given the need to refrigerate the eye drops after processing, a set of freezer packs are also provided. These should be frozen in advance of processing each kit. After filling and closing the eye drop bottles a freezer pack is placed in the insulated pouch with the closed eye drop bottles and is then sealed for transport.
The kit was created using off-the-shelf proved components and meets all requirements pertaining to a “convenience kit” under FDA guidelines. The product is assembled by a contract manufacturer under an existing FDA 510(k) for procedure kits.