DNA Testing Specialist

Your DNA is in every cell of your body and contains intricate information about your family relationships and heritage. To retrieve this information for personal interest or court proceedings, the team at Secure Health Partners offers mobile and on-site DNA testing. You can visit either of the three locations in Denver, Colorado including two at DIA (Denver International Airport), for quick and easy DNA tests at any time. To schedule testing for yourself or a family member, call Secure Health Partners, or book online today.

DNA Testing Q & A

What is DNA testing?

DNA testing is a way to analyze your genetic makeup. Using a quick mouth swab, the team at Secure Health Partners can obtain a sample of your DNA for in-depth lab analysis. They can also test samples from razor blades, toothbrushes, straws, and other personal objects. If you’re pregnant, a blood sample contains fetal cells that can give you information about your baby’s DNA.

There are many reasons why you might need a DNA test, whether it be personal curiosity, required as part of a court case, or required as part of the immigration process according to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) protocol. Secure Health Partners uses an American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) certified lab. 

Even though home DNA testing is the more convenient option under many circumstances, the results are not admissible in court. If you require the results of a DNA test for legal proceedings, the results of a mobile DNA test or a DNA test at a Secure Health Partners location are court-admissible. 

Secure Health Partners can match DNA samples from different regions without the parties having to come together in one location. If a proposed Dad is in Michigan and Mom and child are in Denver, we can obtain court-admissible samples within our collection network and match results for comparison at the lab.

What can DNA testing show?

The results of a DNA test can give you an abundance of information about your familial links or even about your unborn child. You might need a DNA test to show or prove:

  • Paternity

  • Maternity

  • Siblingship

  • Grandparentage

  • Avuncular (aunt or uncle) connections

  • The gender of an unborn baby as early as eight weeks into pregnancy

The results of your DNA test become available in as little as two days. Depending on your preference, you can get your results by mail, email, or in person. 

Why might I need a DNA test?

There are many possible reasons why you might require the information that a DNA test can provide. Your own curiosity is reason enough, but DNA testing can also be a valuable tool in court proceedings. 

You or your family members might need DNA testing to:

  • Confirm biological offspring for inheritance purposes

  • Add or remove a biological father’s name from a birth certificate

  • Discover the gender of your baby

  • Make a child support claim

  • Reveal infidelity in a divorce case

  • Claim social security or military benefits

  • Verify family relationships for immigration

  • Verify family relationships for tribal inclusion

Secure Health Partners makes DNA testing convenient by offering mobile testing at funeral homes, hospitals, prison facilities, and Homeland Security facilities. You can also get on-site testing at any location with or without an appointment. 

To schedule an appointment for convenient mobile or on-site DNA testing, call Secure Health Partners, or book the test online today.